With you every step of the way

We understand that survivors of domestic violence face a challenging journey, and we want you to know that you are not alone. There are several paths you can take towards safety and healing. Whether it’s seeking a protection order, finding refuge in a shelter, joining a support group, or even making an anonymous call to a local domestic violence shelter or a national hotline, these options are here to offer you hope and assistance. Please feel encouraged to reach out to us. We're here to support you every step of the way in finding the path that’s right for you. Remember, there is hope, and you have a community ready to stand with you.


Safety Planning

Safety planning is a personalized, practical plan that helps individuals in abusive situations identify and navigate safe ways to leave or cope with their circumstances.


Access a safe space

Our agency offers a secure and supportive environment where survivors of abuse can find refuge, access essential resources, and receive compassionate care to aid in their recovery and empowerment.


You decide what's next

You are in control of your destiny, and DANE Advocacy is here to support you by providing access to resources for healing and rebuilding your life. We are unique because we provide access in American Sign Language.

Contact us to get any of these services!

Holiday Box

DANE's Holiday Program provides free food boxes and toys to homeless individuals, survivors of violence, and those with low incomes, spreading joy and support during the festive season.

Help Line

DANE Advocacy has a helpline that is available between 8-5 M-F (480-447-8740). If you are in need of emergency shelter or emergency services, we encourage you to contact the statewide help line. There is a nationwide 24/7 crisis line answered by Deaf Advocates available:

Video phone: 855.812.1001
Instant messenger: DeafHotline
Email: nationaldeafhotline@adwas.org

Safety Planning

Safety planning is a personalized, practical plan that helps individuals in abusive situations identify and navigate safe ways to leave or cope with their circumstances. It is never too soon to start safety planning. You can be doing this even if your relationship is healthy.

Support Groups* NEW

DANE's Support Groups in ASL offer a vital space for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals, providing a supportive and understanding community where they can share experiences and receive guidance in American Sign Language. These groups focus on empowering survivors of violence and trauma, fostering a sense of belonging and aiding in the healing process through communication accessible to all participants. - Starting in January of 2024!

Advocacy Services

DANE's Advocacy Services provide crucial support and guidance to individuals affected by violence and trauma. These services include personalized assistance in navigating legal, medical, and social systems, offering emotional support, and connecting clients with necessary resources and support networks. The aim is to empower survivors, uphold their rights, and facilitate their journey towards healing and independence.

Our Impact in numbers

Community Partners
0 +

Technology warning

Technology can be used by victims to increase safety and privacy; it can also be misused by perpetrators to harass, abuse, or harm victims. Find information, including resources and toolkits, related to technology safety at TechSafety.org.

Legal Resources

Find state-specific legal information on WomensLaw.org related to custody, protection orders, divorce, immigration, and more.

FInancial Abuse

Financial abuse is widespread. Learn more about rebuilding from financial abuse from The Moving Ahead Curriculum curriculum, created in partnership with The Allstate Foundation.

Online Safety

TIP: Before using online resources, know that your computer or phone may not be safe. Some abusive partners misuse technology to stalk and track a partner’s activities on a computer, tablet, or mobile device. (Learn more at TechSafety.org.)

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault means that someone forces or manipulates someone else into unwanted sexual activity without their consent. Anyone can experience sexual violence including: children, teens, adults, and elders. Those who sexually abuse can be acquaintances, family members, trusted individuals or strangers.

For more information, check out the National Sexual Violence Resource Center fact sheet – PUBLICATION

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence encompasses various forms of coercive and controlling behavior, including physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse, affecting a wide range of individuals across the U.S., regardless of their background. It’s crucial to acknowledge the profound impact all types of abuse have on victims.

Agency Values


Our team focuses on empowering individuals to regain control and make autonomous decisions about their lives and recovery. We also actively advocate for survivors' rights and provide them with necessary support and resources.


We work to ensure that all services, resources, and communications are fully accessible in American Sign Language, Tactile/ProTactile and other signed modes reflecting a commitment to inclusivity and equal access for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.


Our team collaborates with each survivor to tailor a healing process specific to their needs, focusing on emotional, physical, and mental health, and showing them how to cope in healthy ways.


We engage with the community to raise awareness and educate about domestic violence and sexual assault and work collaboratively with other organizations and agencies to enhance the support network for survivors.